Zabytki UNESCO, Turystyka zagranica, Szwajcaria, Informatory przewodniki
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] UNESCO Destination Switzerland. Swiss World Heritage properties and the Biosphere Reserve Entlebuch. Welcome. Switzerland shares its rich heritage with you. You hold your breath and barely dare to whisper, lost for words amid such beauty. Such are the feelings that seize us when we experience some- thing truly magnificent: an ancient collection of priceless books, for example, housed in an exquisite Baroque library; or mighty alpine gla- ciers; or vineyards cultivated with devotion over centuries. Switzerland is home not only to cultural treasures protected by UNESCO, such as the Abbey Library in St.Gallen, but it is also blessed with World Heritage landscapes: the Aletsch Glacier, the Lavaux vineyards and many more. Unique assets are worth protecting. We have a duty to preserve them – and to share them. Contents. 0 4 Precious heritage. 0 6 Old City of Bern. 0 8 Benedictine Convent of St. John, Müstair. 10 Three castles of Bellinzona. 12 La Chaux-de-Fonds / Le Locle, Watchmaking Town Planning. 14 Lavaux, Vineyard Terraces. 16 Map: Swiss World Heritage properties and the Biosphere Reserve Entlebuch. 18 Monte San Giorgio. 20 Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps. 22 Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina landscapes. Switzerland Tourism P.O. B o x CH-8027 Zürich 24 Swiss Alps, Jungfrau-Aletsch. 26 Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona. 28 Convent of St.Gallen. 30 Biosphere Reserve Entlebuch. 608 Fifth Avenue, Suite 202 New York, NY 10020, USA Switzerland Travel Centre Ltd 1st floor, 30 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ED, UK neutral Printed Matter No. 01-12-243713 – © myclimate – The Climate Protection Partnership Contents | 3 Precious heritage. UNESCO protects the World Heritage of humanity. Commission suisse pour l’UNESCO Swiss Commission for UNESCO Building bridges. Coordinating, raising awareness, promoting dialogue: the Swiss Commission for UNESCO acts as a bridge between the inter- national community, Swiss civil society and the public authorities at national and regional level. Within Switzerland, it promotes the coordination of all stakeholders for joint promotion of the proper- ties as a whole and raises public awareness of the principles and values of World Heritage. Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Swiss Commission for UNESCO c/o FDFA CH-3003 Bern Tel. +41 (0)31 324 10 67 4 | Precious heritage Some things are so valuable that all of humanity should watch over them: cultural assets and natural properties of outstanding universal value. UNESCO has the task of representing these ideals and protecting our shared heritage – together with us all. “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.” Such is the central idea behind UNESCO, the United Nations Educatio- nal, Scientific and Cultural Organization, found- ed in 1945. Its highest goal is the safeguarding of peace. Among UNESCO’s tasks is the protec- tion of the World Heritage of humanity – consisting of Cultural and Natural Heritage properties – and of the Biosphere Reserves. stone National Park and the Grand Canyon in the USA. Biosphere Reserves – a study in sustainability Biosphere Reserves are model regions in which the concept of sustainable development is central to day-to-day management. Here resi- dents and the business community collaborate to ensure that the interests of the environment, the economy and social solidarity are balanced and work in harmony. Sustainable development meets the needs of the present, but also en- sures that the needs of future generations will be satisfied. Switzerland is home to two Bio- sphere Reserves: Val Müstair Parc Naziunal in canton of Grisons and Entlebuch in canton Lucerne. World Heritage – a revolutionary idea What nature has created over thousands or millions of years, and what humanity has built up over the centuries, should be safeguarded. The protection and preservation of these trea- sures should be in the care of all of us: this was, and remains, the central, revolutionary idea of World Heritage. The rescue of the Abu Simbel temples in Egypt was the first step towards the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by UNESCO in 1972. Nearly one thousand properties have now been inscribed on the World Heritage list, including 11 in Switzerland. All are of out- standing universal value – just like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador and Yellow- A task for all humanity We are all called upon to take care of this price- less heritage, and to ensure that it will be passed on safely to future generations. UNESCO is there to help. Precious heritage | 5
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Filozof sprawdza się w filozofii myśli, poeta w filozofii wzruszenia. Kostis Palamas Aby być szczęśliwym w miłości, trzeba być geniuszem. Honore de Balzac Fortuna kołem się toczy. Przysłowie polskie Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit - być może kiedyś przyjemnie będzie wspominać i to wydarzenie. Wergiliusz Ex Deo - od Boga. |