Zadania 2, 4 semestr, matlab
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] x=linspace(pi/4,pi/2,100);f=(exp(-x.^2).*sin(x))./(1+cos(x)^4).^(1/3)??? Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square.f=(exp(-x.^2).*sin(x))./(1+cos(x).^4).^(1/3)f =Columns 1 through 50.3542 0.3533 0.3523 0.3512 0.3501Columns 6 through 100.3488 0.3474 0.3460 0.3445 0.3429Columns 11 through 150.3412 0.3394 0.3375 0.3356 0.3336Columns 16 through 200.3315 0.3294 0.3271 0.3248 0.3225Columns 21 through 250.3200 0.3175 0.3150 0.3124 0.3097Columns 26 through 300.3070 0.3042 0.3014 0.2985 0.2956Columns 31 through 350.2926 0.2896 0.2866 0.2835 0.2803Columns 36 through 400.2772 0.2740 0.2708 0.2675 0.2643Columns 41 through 450.2610 0.2577 0.2543 0.2510 0.2476Columns 46 through 500.2442 0.2409 0.2375 0.2341 0.2307Columns 51 through 550.2273 0.2239 0.2205 0.2171 0.2137Columns 56 through 600.2103 0.2069 0.2035 0.2002 0.1968Columns 61 through 650.1935 0.1902 0.1869 0.1836 0.1803Columns 66 through 700.1771 0.1738 0.1706 0.1675 0.1643Columns 71 through 750.1612 0.1581 0.1550 0.1520 0.1490Columns 76 through 800.1460 0.1430 0.1401 0.1372 0.1344Columns 81 through 850.1316 0.1288 0.1260 0.1233 0.1206Columns 86 through 900.1180 0.1154 0.1128 0.1103 0.1078Columns 91 through 950.1053 0.1029 0.1005 0.0981 0.0958Columns 96 through 1000.0936 0.0913 0.0891 0.0869 0.0848g=(exp(-x.^3).*log(x))./((1+sin(x).^2).^(1/2)+0.1)g =Columns 1 through 4-0.1123 -0.1058 -0.0995 -0.0934Columns 5 through 8-0.0875 -0.0818 -0.0763 -0.0710Columns 9 through 12-0.0658 -0.0609 -0.0561 -0.0515Columns 13 through 16-0.0471 -0.0429 -0.0388 -0.0350Columns 17 through 20-0.0312 -0.0277 -0.0243 -0.0210Columns 21 through 24-0.0179 -0.0149 -0.0121 -0.0095Columns 25 through 28-0.0069 -0.0045 -0.0022 -0.0001Columns 29 through 320.0019 0.0038 0.0056 0.0073Columns 33 through 360.0088 0.0103 0.0116 0.0129Columns 37 through 400.0140 0.0151 0.0161 0.0170Columns 41 through 440.0178 0.0185 0.0191 0.0197Columns 45 through 480.0202 0.0206 0.0210 0.0213Columns 49 through 520.0216 0.0218 0.0219 0.0220Columns 53 through 560.0221 0.0221 0.0220 0.0220Columns 57 through 600.0218 0.0217 0.0215 0.0213Columns 61 through 640.0211 0.0208 0.0205 0.0202Columns 65 through 680.0199 0.0195 0.0192 0.0188Columns 69 through 720.0184 0.0180 0.0176 0.0172Columns 73 through 760.0168 0.0163 0.0159 0.0155Columns 77 through 800.0150 0.0146 0.0142 0.0137Columns 81 through 840.0133 0.0129 0.0124 0.0120Columns 85 through 880.0116 0.0112 0.0108 0.0104Columns 89 through 920.0100 0.0096 0.0092 0.0088Columns 93 through 960.0085 0.0081 0.0078 0.0074Columns 97 through 1000.0071 0.0068 0.0065 0.0062plot(x,f,x,g)figuresubplot(2,1,1)plot(x,f,g:')??? plot(x,f,g:')|Error: A MATLAB string constant is notterminated properly.plot(x,f,'g:')subplot(2,1,2)plot(x,g,'r--')clearclcf=inline('exp(-1/x)-log(x^2+1)*cos(2*x)')f =Inline function:f(x) = exp(-1/x)-log(x^2+1)*cos(2*x)fplot(f,[0.1 0.5])grid onfplot(f,[0.01 0.5])fzero(f,0.45)ans =0.4665clearclcf=inline('exp(x^2/4)*log(x+2)-3*sin(x)^2')f =Inline function:f(x) = exp(x^2/4)*log(x+2)-3*sin(x)^2fplot(f,[0 5])grid onfplot(f,[0 2])x1=fzero(f,0.6)x1 =0.6426x2=fzero(f,1.7)x2 =1.7649clearclcr=[1 3 -4]r =1 3 -4a=poly(r)a =1 0 -13 12r=roots(r)r =-41clearclca=[1 0 0 0 -1 -0.2]a =Columns 1 through 51.0000 0 0 0 -1.0000Column 6-0.2000r=roots(a)r =1.04480.0488 + 1.0060i0.0488 - 1.0060i-0.9421-0.2003y=polyval(a,[-2 2])y =-30.2000 29.8000clearclca=[1 0 -3 0 2 -14]a =1 0 -3 0 2 -14r=roots(a)r =-1.6601 + 0.7964i-1.6601 - 0.7964i2.04110.6396 + 1.2704i0.6396 - 1.2704iy=polyval(a,[2.5 3])y =41.7813 154.0000clearclca=[1 0 3 -1 -2]a =1 0 3 -1 -2r=roots(a)r =-0.1200 + 1.8966i-0.1200 - 1.8966i0.8738-0.6338y=polyval(a,[2.5 3.4])y =53.3125 162.9136clearclcf1=inline('10*sin(x^2)+1')f1 =Inline function:f1(x) = 10*sin(x^2)+1f1=inline('-x^2+2*x+1')f1 =Inline function:f1(x) = -x^2+2*x+1fplot(f,[2 3])??? Undefined function or variable 'f'.fplot(f1,[2 3])hold onfplot(f2,[2 3])??? Undefined function or variable 'f2'.clearclcf1=inline('10*sin(x^2)+1')f1 =Inline function:f1(x) = 10*sin(x^2)+1f2=inline('-x^2+2*x+1')f2 =Inline function:f2(x) = -x^2+2*x+1fplot(f1,[2 3])hold onfplot(f2,[2 3])hold onfzero('10*sin(x^2)+1+x^2-2*x-1')??? Error using ==> <a href="error:C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2007b\toolbox\matlab\funfun\fzero.m,128,0">fzero at 128</a>The input should be either a structure with validfields or at least two arguments to FZERO.fzero('10*sin(x^2)+1+x^2-2*x-1',2 3)??? fzero('10*sin(x^2)+1+x^2-2*x-1',2 3)|Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression.fzero('10*sin(x^2)+1+x^2-2*x-1',2.3)ans =2.4826clearclcA=[9 6 9;4 6 2;2 1 3]A =9 6 94 6 22 1 3B=[15;2;11]B =15211wyzn.=det(A)??? wyzn.=det(A)|Error: The expression to the left of the equalssign is not a valid target for an assignment.wyzn=det(A)wyzn =24x=inv(A)*Bx =-10.00004.00009.0000spr=A*xspr =15.00002.000011.0000clearclcA[1 2 3 -4;0 1 -1 1;1 3 0 -3;0 -7 3 1]??? A[1 2 3 -4;0 1 -1 1;1 3 0 -3;0 -7 3 1]|Error: Unbalanced or unexpected parenthesis orbracket.A=[1 2 3 -4;0 1 -1 1;1 3 0 -3;0 -7 3 1]A =1 2 3 -40 1 -1 11 3 0 -30 -7 3 1B=[4;-3;1;-3]B =4-31-3wyzn=det(A)wyzn =-16x=inv(A)*Bx =-8.00000.00000.0000-3.0000spr=A*xspr =4.0000-3.00001.0000-3.0000clearclcA=[2 -1 1;1 1 -1; 4 1 1]A =2 -1 11 1 -14 1 1B=[2;3;8]B =238wyzn=det(A)wyzn =6x=inv(A)*Bx =1.66671.3333spr=A*xspr =2.00003.00008.0000clearclcx=[-2 -1 0 2]x =-2 -1 0 2y=[0 1 1 2]y =0 1 1 2a=polyfit(x,y,1)a =0.4571 1.1143x1=-2:1:2;y1=polyval(a,x1)y1 =0.2000 0.6571 1.1143 1.5714 2.0286plot(x,y,'*'x1,y1,'r')??? plot(x,y,'*'x1,y1,'r')|Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression.plot(x,y,'*',x1,y1,'r')a2=polyfit(x,y,2)a2 =-0.0455 0.4636 1.2182x2=linspace(-2,2)x2 =Columns 1 through 4-2.0000 -1.9596 -1.9192 -1.8788Columns 5 through 8-1.8384 -1.7980 -1.7576 -1.7172Columns 9 through 12-1.6768 -1.6364 -1.5960 -1.5556Columns 13 through 16-1.5152 -1.4747 -1.4343 -1.3939Columns 17 through 20-1.3535 -1.3131 -1.2727 -1.2323Columns 21 through 24-1.1919 -1.1515 -1.1111 -1.0707Columns 25 through 28-1.0303 -0.9899 -0.9495 -0.9091Columns 29 through 32-0.8687 -0.8283 -0.7879 -0.7475Columns 33 through 36-0.7071 -0.6667 -0.6263 -0.5859Columns 37 through 40-0.5455 -0.5051 -0.4646 -0.4242Columns 41 through 44-0.3838 -0.3434 -0.3030 -0.2626Columns 45 through 48-0.2222 -0.1818 -0.1414 -0.1010Columns 49 through 52-0.0606 -0.0202 0.0202 0.0606Columns 53 through 560.1010 0.1414 0.1818 0.2222Columns 57 through 600.2626 0.3030 0.3434 0.3838Columns 61 through 640.4242 0.4646 0.5051 0.5455Columns 65 through 680.5859 0.6263 0.6667 0.7071Columns 69 through 720.7475 0.7879 0.8283 0.8687Columns 73 through 760.9091 0.9495 0.9899 1.0303Columns 77 through 801.0707 1.1111 1.1515 1.1919Columns 81 through 841.2323 1.2727 1.3131 1.3535Columns 85 through 881.3939 1.4343 1.4747 1.5152Columns 89 through 921.5556 1.5960 1.6364 1.6768Columns 93 through 961.7172 1.7576 1.7980 ...
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