Building Your Vocabulary, język angielski słuchanki
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->1Free eBook download fromZappenglish.comBuilding your VocabularyA free download from Zappenglish.comAbout this eBookThis eBook goes together with the audio that you can download free you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please visit our website – we alwaysvalue your opinion. Good luck! Katie, Tom & Mark©Zapp! EnglishZappenglish.com2Free eBook download fromZappenglish.comBuilding your vocabularyOne very quick way you can improve your vocabulary is by learning words in families. It’s kind oflike going to the supermarket, buying something and getting another thing for free. If you learnwords in families, not just one word at a time – you’ll learn more words, more quickly and moreeasily.Let’s look at an example.KATIE:Tom, I’m going to say a word to you and using that word as the beginning, I want you toanswer my questions, to make er more words in that family. OK?TOM:Mmm hmm.KATIE:Alright, the word is to correct. So that’s the verb, what’s the adjective?TOM:Correct.KATIE:That’s right. OK and what about the adjective that means the opposite to correct – notcorrect?TOM:Wrong.KATIE:Yes, but use the word correct.TOM:Incorrect.KATIE:That’s it. OK. And what’s the noun? A...TOM:A correction.KATIE:That’s it. And do you know the adverb?TOM:Correctly.Zappenglish.comKATIE:Yeah. Well done. And how would you make the adverb the opposite or negative?TOM:Incorrectly.KATIE:Right. Good. Perfect, so for only a little bit more effort than it takes to learn one word,you’re learning six. To correct, correct, incorrect, correction, correctly, incorrectly.TOM:Very good.KATIE:Yeah, so let’s do the same with another word. OK, so Tom, this time it’s another verb. Tointerest. What’s the adjective?TOM:Interesting.©Zapp! English3Free eBook download fromZappenglish.comKATIE:Yes. There’s another adjective as well. Interesting, or interest...TOM:...ed.KATIE:Yeah. Interested.TOM:OK.KATIE:So what did we do to make...erm...those two adjectives the opposite? So not interesting.TOM:Uninteresting.KATIE:Good. And not interested...TOM:Uninterested.KATIE:Perfect. What’s the noun?TOM:Interest.KATIE:Yeah.TOM:An interest.KATIE:Yeah, OK. And how about the adverb?TOM:Mmm...Brain’s gone blank. Erm...I don’t know.KATIE:Interestingly.TOM:Interestingly. I was thinking, in an interesting way.KATIE:Yes. Yeah, interestingly. OK so there you go – this time we made a family of seven. Tointerest, interested, interesting, uninterested, uninteresting, interest, interestingly. OK, Tom’shaving a rest now...TOM:(laughter)Thank it’s your turn. Try and answer when you hear the beep.Zappenglish.comWhat’s the adjective of the verb employ? (beep) Employed.Can you make it into the opposite? (beep)Unemployed.What’s the noun? (beep) Employment. Can you make it the opposite? (beep)Unemployment.OK. The next verb is to succeed. What’s the adjective? (beep) Successful.©Zapp! English4Free eBook download fromZappenglish.comMake it into the opposite. (beep).Unsuccessful.What’s the noun? (beep) Success.What’s the adverb? (beep) Successfully.So, if you start to learn patterns for making word families, you can build your vocabulary muchmore quickly. See if you can answer these questions about some common word formation patterns.What are some common endings for nouns? (beep)-ion-ment-nesscompetition relaxation decisionarrangement enjoyment argumentkindness happiness politenessWhat are two common endings for adjectives? (beep)-edinterested annoyed bored-inginteresting annoying boringWhat are some common prefixes (letters that you add to the beginning of words) to change theword to the opposite meaning? (beep)-ununsuccessfulunfriendly unreal-dis dishonest disorganised disagree-im impolite imperfect impossible- il illegal illogical illiterate-in inconvenient incorrect incapableZappenglish.comHow do we usually (but not always ) make an adverb? (beep)Add –ly.quickly interestingly politely happily©Zapp! English5Free eBook download fromZappenglish.comNow let’s see if you can hear some mistakes with word forms. Some of the sentences you’re goingto hear are correct, others have used the wrong word form. If it’s correct, say correct. If it’sincorrect, give the correct sentence.I’m unemployed at the moment. (beep)Correct.Unemployment is a big problem.Employment is a big problem in the world today. (beep)They only employment people with a lot of experience. (beep) They only employ...The train station is near my house, so it’s very convenience. (beep) It’s very convenient.I’m sorry, that’s a bit inconvenient. Can you meet later? (beep) Correct.There’s a possibility it’ll rain this afternoon. (beep) Correct.It’s possible it’ll rain this afternoon. (beep) Correct.He told me he was working, but I saw him in a bar. How dishonesty! (beep) How dishonest.It’s always best to be honest. (beep) Correct.©Zapp!
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