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  Witamy Real Life Functional Phrases, język angielski słuchanki
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//-->1Free eBook download fromZappenglish.comReal Life Functional PhrasesA free download from Zappenglish.comAbout this eBookThis eBook goes together with the audio that you can download free you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please visit our website – we alwaysvalue your opinion. Good luck! Katie, Tom & Mark©Zapp! EnglishZappenglish.com2Free eBook download fromZappenglish.comReal life functional phrasesYou’re going to learn some common phrases for eight functions. First you’ll hear the phrases. Youneed to try and decide which function the phrases are for when you hear the beep. For example, ifthe phrases were ‘Thanks but I can’t’ and ‘Perhaps another time’, the function would berefusinginvitations.See if you can guess these functions.Cheers.Ta. Thanks a lot. Thank you very much.The function wasthanking.Which one was the most informal? Ta – this is slang. Which was themost formal? Thank you very much.Do you mind if I sit here?Is it OK if I sit here?The function wasasking for permission.The verb can change, but it will always be in the infinitive.For example, Do you mind if open a window? Is it OK if I open a window?Go ahead.Of course.Sure.Be my guest.The function wasgiving permission.Have you met Tom?This is TomLet me introduce you to TomThe function wasintroducing someone.Which phrase is the most formal? Let me introduce youto....How about going to the cinema?Why don’t we go to the cinema?Zappenglish.comThe function wasmaking suggestions.Notice that with ‘How about’, we must either use the ingform; How about going to the cinema? How about taking the bus? Or a noun. How about a coffee?Sorry, can I just interrupt for a moment?Sorry, can I just add something?The function wasinterrupting– saying something when someone is already talking.I can’t stand it. I absolutely love it.©Zapp! English3Free eBook download fromZappenglish.comThe function wasexpressing likes and dislikes.Is ‘I can’t stand...’ a like or a dislike? A dislike. Is itstrong or weak? Strong.If I were you I’d...You ought to...The function wasgiving advice.Now listen to Tom and I talking. Which pieces of functional language do you hear?TOM:Katie, I’m looking for an apartment with Ana at the moment. Have you got any advice forme?KATIE:Well, I know it’s quite difficult to find an apartment in Barcelona, butif I were youI’ on...the internet, because that’s, where most of the apartments are. And...yououghttoask friends, because er, word of mouth is a really good way to find out about new placesTOM:Oh cool thanks.KATIE:Er Tom I see that you have some er...pasta, in the a saucepan, that you’ looks very nice, erm...Isit OK if I have some?TOM:Yeahof course,go for it.TOM:Katie, is there any food you absolutelycan’t stand?KATIE:Er...oh lot...well...mmm...a few bits. I, I reallycan’t stand...the...thetaste of meatTOM:Mmm.Zappenglish.comKATIE:Er...and...I reallydon’t like...foodthat’s...feels like jelly. Like wobbly foodTOM:Yeah, OK.KATIE:I’m getting really hot in here, talking to you. Erm,how about goingfor a...nice cold drinkround the corner?TOM:Nowhy don’t wego to a...beach bar instead?©Zapp! English4Free eBook download fromZappenglish.comKATIE:Ooh I like that even better.KATIE:OK. That’s the end of our chat.Thanks a lotTom.TOM: CheersKatie.©Zapp! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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