Zach Sweets - Luscious Love, ☂ UPLOADED (Unsorted) ☂, ★ ♂♂ Romance, [G]ay 1
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Luscious Love Zach Sweets Copyright 2011 Zach Sweets Smashwords Edition Thank you for downloading this free ebook. Although this is a free book, it remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy at, where they can also discover other work by this author. Thank you for your support. This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, and incidents are products of author’s imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of author. This work contains graphic language and implied sexual content between two men. Intended for adult audiences only. Not intended for anyone under the age of 18. Cover Design Copyright 2011 Zach Sweets Wendy, I’ve discovered an answer to your letter and I hope you’ll be pleased. Always, Zach Sweets Photo Description: Handsome, scruffy looking man with a hand covered in chocolate and a sensual silver-eyed stare. He is licking chocolate off of his index finger. Wendell Choate shielded his sterling silver eyes from the bright sunlight as he breathed in the powerful salty scent in the air. He ran his fingers through his wavy chestnut brown hair as he enjoyed the ocean waves splashing against the shore. People played and laughed in the water. Watching them was a pleasure and helped to alleviate some of the sorrow Wendell felt as he sat alone in the sand. He’d been struggling to find a job since he got laid off a year ago. The beach was the only place he could go to find peace. He had been surviving on the small income he got from Social Security and Disability. It was enough to pay his rent, but there wasn’t much left over for his other bills. His resume was good enough that he’d received several phone calls regarding job interviews. Once they found out that he was Deaf, they politely declined. It was discrimination, but Wendell would rather work for someone who wasn’t so closed minded, so he’d decided not to report them. He just wanted a job where he could be happy. Wendell scanned the newspaper he’d brought with him and a new job captured his attention. Luscious Love Help Wanted Must know chocolate Contact Caleb Adams at (800) 555-1462 for an interview Wendell instantly wanted that job. Chocolate was an addiction to him, a personal stress-reliever. He grabbed his iPhone and used the Video Relay application to call Caleb. No one answered, so he left a message, hoping Caleb would call him back. While waiting for the return call, he spotted a man in a dark blue Speedo. Wendell could see a well-defined bulge through the clingy material. Even better, a thick mat of hair covered the man’s chest. It’d been too long since Wendell had gotten laid. Just the sight of the man made his mouth water. As the man walked by, smiling at him, Wendell reached absently for his phone. He searched his pocket as he watched the man disappear down the beach and nearly freaked out when he realized the cell was missing. He scurried around, searching his other pocket, finally finding it on the ground beside him. He checked to see if there were any missed calls. He had one. Shit . Luckily, whoever called had left a message. He opened the video mail and watched as the interpreter signed, -Hello Wendell, this is Caleb Adams from Luscious Love. I got your message about the job interview. I’m available tomorrow at noon. Call me back if you can’t make it; otherwise, I’ll see you tomorrow.- Wendell jumped with joy, drawing people’s attention. Some threw him dirty looks, probably wondering what the heck was going on with him. He shrugged them off; he was so happy to have gotten a job interview at a chocolate place. Maybe he’d get to sample everything once he got there. He was too excited to just go home, so he walked to the street where all the touristy shops decorated the strip, looking for Luscious Love. He wanted to prepare himself for his interview tomorrow. There was no way he could afford to screw up his dream of a job surrounded by chocolate. Finally, he saw it. The rich, warm tones of the façade, together with the wide windows, hinted at the decadence that was sure to decorate the shelves inside. He already pictured himself working there, standing behind the counter, looking out at the adorable shop and the stream of endless chocolate lovers flowing through the door. Paradise . Through the window he spied a tall, bald man with a full beard. From what he could see, the man was just his type—broad shoulders and heavy muscles. The man was wiping down counters, probably getting ready to close up for the night. If it was Caleb, Wendell couldn’t wait to meet him in person. He couldn’t wait to get a closer view of the man’s face. A bear man and chocolate? He smiled at the thought. Nothing better . It was getting dark and with a start he realized that it was almost seven o’clock. He rushed back home and laid out the professional suit he planned to wear for the interview. After getting everything ready, he curled up on his bed and tried to sleep but couldn’t—he was too excited. He went over all the questions he’d been asked on interviews in the past, such as his strengths, weaknesses, why he wanted the job, and so on. It was midnight before he finally felt confident with his answers and fell asleep. He woke up still excited about the interview, but slowly the feeling changed from happiness to nervousness. What if he didn’t get the job? His heart would be broken. Stay positive, Wendell. He got out of the bed and went into the bathroom to do his business. Wendell turned on the shower and felt the water until it was lukewarm. He stepped under the spray, enjoying the sensation of the water running over his body. Suddenly his cock was hard as hell. He moaned as he slowly touched it. He soaped his body really well but leaned away from the stream of water as he started to jerk off, using the slippery soap as lubrication. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander to his newest fantasy, one which involved Caleb (if that’s who the bear man even was) and he, himself, could hear.
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